The Humble Beginning

Before the turn of the millennium, a community exists in the township of Permatang Damar Laut. Within the community, poverty reigns. Families lived in squalor and poverty, in makeshift huts, behind pallet factories, in disused pig sty and containers. The unfortunate lived from hand to mouth. Alcoholism, drug abuse and abandoned children were common place. There were children without birth certificates. Many children did not go to school due to family problems such as alcoholism, drug abuse and domestic Violence.

Seeing the despair and anguish, the late Ms Kaliamah decided to do something about it. Taking early retirement, Ms Kaliamah team up with Mrs Linda Gregory and committed themselves to set up this home


To offer assistance, guidance, aid and hope to an otherwise bleak existence

Rumah Kebajikan
seri cahaya strives to offer the little glimmer of hope to the unfortunates



Vice President


Medical advice and treatment is offered free of charge by two kind-hearted doctors,
Dr Kanesan and Dr Chong Boon Siew.

Abused and abandoned women are encouraged to find jobs and independent while their children is being taken care of.

Food and daily necessities are usually donated by well wishers. Basic food is supplied monthly to 40 families.

Homeless old folks are provided with food and shelter. Abandoned children and orphans are brought up with education.

Since June 2003, Seri Cahaya is a registered charity, welfare home
and is now officially known as
Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya.

present moment

Mr.Girithren ,late Madam Kaliamah‘s son, a former engineer, now holding hand together with Mrs Linda presently looking after Seri Cahaya.

An approximately 25 children, 10 homeless old folks, all the children of school-going age attend school and the younger ones are sent to the kindergarten. Single mothers used to be placed as temporary domestics helpers at the Home before they are ready to face the outside world (securing jobs).



Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya
has been granted tax exemption status.

Other activities

Apart from above, Seri Cahaya also provides financial assistance and food ration to poor families, OKU cases, bed ridden cases and those in needs. Seri Cahaya supplies basic food requirements to approximately 250 needy families in the neighbourhood every month. Seri Cahaya has successfully assisted many children/adults obtaining birth certificate and or Identity Cards. Apart from the children that Seri Cahaya takes care of, Seri Cahaya also handled many cases of Families/children whom appeal for assistance from Seri Cahaya.