Sponsor Our Monthly Groceries

Your donation provide us with food security

A recurring donation for monthly grocery is an excellent way to give to those less fortunate. This donation provides month-long sustenance to Rumah Kebajikan Seri Cahaya (RKSC). The donation could provide a month’s worth of groceries for one family or several meals for a single individual in RKSC. This donation can have a significant impact as it help to provide them with greater food security.

The recurring donation could provide items such as fresh produce, meat, dairy, and other nutritious and necessary items. With every donation, the recipient will have the necessary materials to prepare healthy meals that will help to satisfy their nutritional needs. As the donation is made every month, individuals and families benefiting from this donation have the opportunity to create meals with variety that will ensure a balanced and nutritious diet.

The consistent and reliable nature of the recurring donation will provide peace of mind to those in need. They know that help is available each month and they can count on it. This donation of RM100 every month helps to ensure that those in need will be taken care of, have consistent access to necessary items, and can begin to build a better life.